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MultiMedia Publishing and a podcast called UniquilibriuM (yoon-eek-will-ib-ree-um). This is a clever fusion of the words unique plus equilibrium and is wonderfully symmetrical. The podcast focuses on how to use hypnosis and meditation to help with relaxation, getting better sleep, and lucid-dreaming. It also covers metaphysical and paranormal subjects in the world through the lens of Hypno-Analysis (explaining why things happen based on subconscious-mind driven behaviors). The podcast(s) and many of this riddle’s essential elements can be accessed through the following websites, (UniquilibriuM), (Spreaker) (NoomVibe) formerly the Wisdom app
The UniquilibriuM PodCast explores “MetaPhysical Hypnosis and Meditation for Relaxation, Better Sleep, Lucid-Dreaming and Beyond“. The genre is “how-to” and presents, lectures and instructs how to use metaphysical, hypnotic, and meditation techniques and methods to explore the potential of the human mind. Listeners not only get talking-points on how to use these different tools, but they are also provided with various audio productions that are to be used according to the instructions given. The recordings may be spoken self-hypnosis, guided meditations, or purely instrumental and ambient sound designs created especially to change the listeners state of mind. At this time at least one podcast is produced every week, but not on a specific day. This will be set at a future date.
Cast and Crew
Flor Elizabeth Carrasco and Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander are the contributors to this podcast. They handle everything from the research, planning, writing, composition of sounds, recording, production, editing, publishing, photography and artwork.
Flor is a visual artist, photographer, and musician with an expertise in public health, and a passion for reading, exercise, gardening, cycling, hiking, and cooking.
Hakeem is a writer, photographer and musician with an expertise in clinical hypnosis, and a passion for reading, exercise, martial-arts, cycling, hiking, and especially for Flor.
The podcast is produced and published through Spreaker at, It can also be listened to through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, iTunes, Breaker, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, and JioSaavan to name a handful. Many of the audio productions released through Spreaker can be listened to without ads on YouTube at
Podcast Listener Support
UniquilibriuM and other related podcasts in our catalogue may be financially supported through learning Healthy Living & Self-Defense in person or online through The Blog Dealer.
UniquilibriuM, LLC
840 1 Mayland Drive #4331
Richmond, Virginia 23294
Phone: 757-763-9621
Skype at live:hakeemalexander. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook handles are also located with the brand UniquilibriuM.,,

PodCast Trailer – audio and video
Listen to “UniquilibriuM (Trailer)” on Spreaker.
Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander
Host, Editor & Producer of UniquilibriuM