Neutralizing Naughty Narcissists: Brainstorming a Radically Transformative Behavioral Therapy Featuring DemiPhase
(UniquilibriuM) In this presentation you will learn some tips about how I recommend using the Ambient Sound Designs and Frequency Formulas I produce for the DemiPhase Brand of HypnoAthletics / UniquilibriuM. This video is a brainstorming note, converted into a podcast to help me work out the bugs of this program, and to set in motion the awareness of the coming launch. I would rather you just listen to the podcast, but the video is posted below if you want to witness the source of this madness.
There are 3 levels in this program (which also double as affirmations)
- Neutralizing Narcissism
- Nurturing Authenticity
- Neutralizing Narcissists
With each level being delivered in 3 steps
- Breathe (active)
- Affirm (active)
- Listen (passive)
Purpose of Each Prescribed Behavior
- Breathing is nutrition for the physical body, emotions, mind and spirit. The amount of breaths taken and counted are numbered according to the resonant frequency associated with each therapeutic frequency formula.
- Affirmations are thought or spoken repetitively change receptivity or transmission of specific behavioral patterns. This way, one can strengthen or neutralize any given potential for a particular behavior or emotion. As with the breathing meditations, The amount of affirmations spoken and counted are numbered according to the resonant frequency associated with each therapeutic frequency formula.
- Listening is a passive perception in this case to simply receive the therapeutic benefits of sound healing designs.
Check out this featured podcast from HypnoAthletics on Spreaker. It is a guided meditation teaching you how to remain focused in noisy and busy environments.
Listen to “In Your Own Voice: FREE Meditation To Improve Concentration” on Spreaker.One great video to introduce you to the outstanding channel of Dr. Ramani. She is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in helping people to heal from the abuse and trauma inflicted by narcissists.
This video by Dr. Todd Grande is also very personally insightful
3 X 3 Matrix: Breathe, Affirm, Listen.

Overcoming long term trauma can be facilitated