Annunaki: The Movie | Episodes 1, 2, & 3 | Lost Book Of Enki | Zackaria Sitchin | Astral Legends YouTube
Curating research by Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander in association with World Reading Club.
Zackaria Sitchin’s “The Lost Book of Enki” comprises firsthand testimonies and spoken accounts chronicling the experiences of Enki, an advanced extraterrestrial being hailing from a sophisticated civilization on another planet that descended upon Earth 350,000 years ago.
Identified as The Annunaki or Atlanteans, Enki’s species played a crucial role in the engineering of modern humans and earth as we know it in modern day. Moreover, the Prologue, titled “Attestation of Endubsar,” recounts the tale of a scribe summoned by Enki himself to transcribe Enki’s testimony onto clay tablets. This narrative unfolds as the authentic story of mankind, revealing a hidden and forbidden lost history on earth.
PLEASE NOTE: The royal families of the Atlantean Anunnaki, who governed the civilization of Nibiru and later earth, were hybrids with Lyran Sirian and Draconian Royal ancestry. They typically stood between 8 and 14 feet tall, possessed large heads, muscular builds, and featured a blend of mainly African, Asiatic, Albino, & Indo-European facial characteristics. Their skin tones ranged from non-melanin to full melanin with a spectrum of colors, and they often had 6 fingers, pointed ears or ears resembling those of cats. These beings engaged in intermarriage with various extraterrestrial races from different planets, resulting in the formation of distinct royal houses.
For researchers and enthusiasts looking to find specific references mentioning these the historical and science resources please refer to the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), and the Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (PSD) are invaluable. These databases offer transliterations, translations, and discussions of thousands of Sumerian texts, providing a searchable resource for specific terms and their occurrences.
Tablet 1-5
Continue the Second Installment of Zackaria Sitchin’s “The Lost Book of Enki” which comprises firsthand testimonies and spoken accounts chronicling the experiences of Enki, an advanced extraterrestrial being hailing from a sophisticated civilization on another planet that descended upon Earth 350,000 years ago. Identified as The Annunaki or Atlanteans, Enki’s species played a crucial role in the engineering of modern humans and earth as we know it in modern day.
Tablet 6-9
Continue the Third Installment of Zackaria Sitchin’s “The Lost Book of Enki” which comprises firsthand testimonies and spoken accounts chronicling the experiences of Enki, an advanced extraterrestrial being hailing from a sophisticated civilization on another planet that descended upon Earth 350,000 years ago. Identified as The Annunaki or Atlanteans, Enki’s species played a crucial role in the engineering of modern humans and earth as we know it in modern day.